Christmas Morning

Ok, so we know Christmas is long gone, and people are returning items, exchanging them, and putting their decorations away, but we’ve just now had a chance to go through our pictures, and let’s face it…we have the cutest kids in the world (totally unbiased…). 😉  It would be a shame for us not to share them with the world. 🙂

Every Christmas Eve we have a tradition.  One aside from staying up late stuffing stockings,  wrapping last minute gifts, taking bites out of the Christmas cookies (er…we mean leaving cookies out for Santa!), and attempting to hide each others’ gifts as we shove them in each others’ stockings. :p  We all open one gift from each other…and that gift is always Christmas jammies. We put on our new jammies, and the boys climb in our bed (another added complication to sneaking away so Santa can do his work), we read “The Night Before Christmas” and have a very hard time going to bed due to all of the excitement. 😀

Then it’s Christmas morning!  The looks on our kids’ faces when they see full stockings, empty cookies, no more reindeer food in the yard, and that Santa got them what they wanted?  That is pretty much what it’s all about.  They we open presents, make special Christmas pancakes, and read the Christmas story from Luke before mommy holes herself in the kitchen and demands that nobody disturbs her while she creates some culinary genius. 😉  Then it’s off to GiGi’s (great grandma) house for the most fabulous dinner and family time!

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are starting the New Year off right!

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